What a weekend!! Well.....Friday nite Lee and I met up with Tony, Lisa G, and ariane at allsports for some rowdy white trash karaoke fun! SOMEONE thought it would be funny to enter my name into the pile...yes i have horrible stage fright i mean ..I was sweating and my knees were shaking. Lucky for me I have a wonderful boyfriend who saved the day..and yes..we sang a duet. "The rainbow connection." Most of you know the story behind the song..but if not..ask me..its a good one!! Anyways...we had a few drinks and a lot of fun...but Lee and I feel like we're 90 years old most of the time..and so we dipped out before 11 and went home and went to bed. I kinda like it though. I'm so over going out every single weekend and getting trashed and sleeping the next day away. Lee and I both love getting up early..and usually on the weekends get up around 730 or 8...however because of our over the top shenanigans from the night before, we slept in till about 9.. haha!
The next day we were going to meet up with Krystle and Adam and go see the new Indiana Jones movie. Being the new parents that they are..they got absolutely no sleep the night before so we cancelled those plans...but it all worked out because we had to take lee's bike to the shop. He thought something was wrong with it from when he crashed it earlier in the week (YES CRASHED IT!!) but it turned out to be fine and not as much damage as he thought it was. I rode the bike.. Briefly..and let me tell ya..it was not pleasant. I told Lee I was never getting on it..at least not till he's more experienced...it was hilarious. Last nite he taught me how to start it and change gears..but honestly I could care less. After we took the bike to the shop we went to the new mexican restaurant! It was really yummy...we basically spent the day together..relaxing! Lee and I are doing really well ....its like we're perfect for each other...its hard to stay mad at each other..im so in love with him! We love spending time together and discuss our future together..I am so lucky to have such an amazing man in my life!! Our new favorite thing to do is...look at houses. Not that we're going to buy one anytime soon..at least not until we're married.. But its fun to look and we both have a pretty good idea of what we want!!
On Sunday we went to the driving range and hit around some golfballs..it was hilarious. I knew I wanted be outside because it was such a beautiful weekend. I took him to Sunnybrook Plantation where Jenny is getting married and they were having a wedding there! I got to see it all set up and it was absolutely GORGEOUS!!! I cant wait!!!!
On Monday we went to my uncle's house and hung out by the pool and barbequed!! It was a great weekend! This weekend we're moving Lee to his new apartment. His mom and brother are coming up and his mom is staying with me!! How fun!?!! Next weekend is Andie's graduation and we're spending the weekend at the lake with my dad. The weekend after that is our one year anniversary!!!! I dont have very much more to talk about...so....have a great day....!! :)
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
Bridesmaids and bikes!!

This weekend was sooooo much fun!! Where do I start?? First off all, Friday, I had to work late that night and was exhausted when I came home and went straight to bed!! Then Saturday I got up and some overdue cleaning...It was about that time. I was really frustrated. Hope and I had left some garbage bags on the back porch because we couldnt actually take the trash out till Sunday and racoons got in our trash!! They are clever little things! They actually peeled and ate an old banana and opened a jar of mayonaise!! It took me forever to clean that mess up and double bag all the garbage bags!! Ugh what a mess!
On Saturday Lee did it! He bought a motorcycle!! OMG he is so excited and cant wait to take me for a ride! He's getting his liscence soon in July. That is when the next available class is!! I've seen pictures of the bike and its really pretty. It's parked at a friends house right now because he's going to go get it for the move this weekend! Its all he can talk about!!! Ill post pictures of it soon!
On Saturday nite Lee and I met up with Hope and Chad and Carolyn and Richard and Sarah! It was so good spending time with them..I miss them all very much! We had so much fun drinking, laughing, basking in the happiness that we all share in our lives! HAHAHA! Hopefully we're all going out again this week for crab legs..that is if SOMEONE doesnt have emergency surgery to attend to!!
Saturday nite after we left bdubs we went to run some errands..*yawn* boring. We went back to lees and tried to watch a movie but ended up falling asleep. bummer.
The next day Lee had to go into the office for some work because he isnt working today...he's in a golf tournament with Jeff for Charity. I cant remember exactly what for, but I wish I could watch because it would be hilarious!
Anyway, Sunday I went shopping with Jenny and Ashley! We went to David's bridal to try on bridesmaids dresses! I usually hate dress shopping but I had so much fun!!! The dress that Jen had originally picked out was very pretty...but wasnt quite as flattering as id hoped. It wasnt exactly made for a girl with big boobs (like mine) but the dress was gorgeous! Then she found another dress that she really liked. It's VERY elegant. I love it that Jenny is doing a formal evening wedding..its going to be so gorgeous! Its long and black and strapless and I loved the way it looked on me! AND it was comfortable! I love it! We also drove over to the reception location!! Some place we never thought of cause I guess its always kinda gotten a bad rep. BUT someone bought it a few years ago and his been fixing it up and now its used especially for weddings! No one really knows about it because its not advertised, nor do they have a website. Jen and her mom just happen to think about and made an appointment to check it out! ITS AMAZING!!! Its the sonnybrook inn formerly , a bed and breakfast in Roanoke. Im not sure what its called now..but its so gorgeous that I wanted to cry. Im so happy for Jen and I cannot wait to get this thing started!!! :) Last nite I met Lee and we cleaned his place a litte..finished up some laundry and went to mexican! YUM!! After that I was tired..went home..checked the trash for racoons and went to bed! I have a new schedule now..i work 730-4! Its only a half hour difference but I love it..that extra half hour kills me sometimes..I know it sounds crazy but true..Im loving this :) Im so excited about this weekend, bike riding, and memorial day bbq at my uncles pool!! Wooohoooo!! :) Hope everyone has a great week!!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Working out and Weddings
Today I am super sore!! Lee and I have been slacking a little on our workouts and we made a firm commitment to start doing it more..if we're together then its easy to do! DONT LAUGH..but last nite.. I showed Lee the Carmen Electra striptease and he actually did it with me!! It was the most hilarious thing I've seen in a long time...but it was SO MUCH FUN!! I could tell he was getting a decent work-out from it but he claimed afterwards that that was more of a "stretch" or "warm-up" if you will. So after that I made him do pilates with me..I think that did it. Tonite we're going jogging and lifting weights. I've been doing a little exercise..but not enough. I really need to take it more seriously. Erin and I are planning on doing a 5k in September! I'm really excited about that. I think If I can do that I can do anything. Not to mention after going wedding dress shopping with Jenny and seeing all those beautiful dresses I really want to lose like 10000000000000000000000 pounds! haha! :) By the way...the dress she found is the most gorgeous I've ever seen...I'm jealous!! I wont give any details away in case the lucky fiance is reading..but maybe in a year I'll still have the incredible urge to blog and you can all see my pictures of her wedding!! I loved the color she first chose for the bridesmaids, persimmon. I like to call it ORANGE! I think she wanted something that really popped..and believe me it does! BUT, she has changed her colors to black. NOW, I know what you're thinking..probably the same thing I was thinking, but one of our childhood friends, Stacy, got married this weekend and her colors were black as well. It was so elegant and everyone raved about it. Plus I think Jen has a few flower bouquet and accessories trick up her sleeves for the black dresses. I know it will be beautiful no matter what she chooses....and she is the bride for goodness sakes who am i to say?? Hopefully she will be coming over this weekend and we will be doing some more planning!! LOVE IT! I think we're also going to be packing up for the move this weekend because the next few weekends are crazy!!! Memorial Day weekend..of course festival in the park and My uncle Ross is having a party! The following weekend is Andie's graduation..then after that we're staying with my dad and tina and spending time at the lake for a couple days! Then the weekend after that is our 1 yr anniversary!! Our 11 month anniversary is today actually! I can't wait to suprise Lee with this trip..its going to be soooo much fun! He'll love it!! It's so hard not tell him where we're going. It's weird that its 800am and I've already been at work for an hour! Im covering Erin's shift today! SO...its about to get busy and I have go continue with the monotony that is my job. Everyone have a great weekend!!! Love you all! :)
Friday, May 9, 2008
Picture this!

Today Lee and I are going to buy a new camera!! We are both so excited because we've been using those stupid disposables and we really need one!!! We will be taking a ton of pictures for sure!! Im really happy that we're going out with Hopey next week. We're going to surf and turf on Grandin..maybe after dinner we'll go to the grandin theatre for a show..the possibilites are endless!! Hope everyone has a happy Mother's Day weekend :)
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
We're Bloggers!!!!

Yay! We have a blog!! I (Megan) will probably be doing most of the blogging however! This is all so that our familiy and friends will be updated on what's going on with us! Right now as we speak, Lee is getting on a plane and returning from NYC where his brother, John, was playing a solo part in the University Orchestra!! Lee and his mom and dad flew to NYC to see him!! I wanted to go so bad...I was pretty close to going..however I've been at home with severe ear problems. Im better now though.
Life is going well right now...we've been so busy!! Lee has gotten two raises at work in the past few months so he's very happy about that. He has also enrolled in a motorcycle class so that he can get his license and buy a new motorcycle! THAT will be fun!! We've also been looking at new cars and are having a very hard time deciding on those! I'm leaving that decision up to Lee..this is his baby. Also..the new downtown apartment is amazing!! They are brand new and will be opening at the end of May!! Hardwood floors, granite countertops, and steel appliances!! beautiful high ceilings and plenty of room! :)
This past weekend I spent Friday nite with Hope! I hardly ever get to see even though we currently live together! We hung out and went shopping and rented some flicks and had dinner! Lee went to Jeff's house and had a bonfire! We decided not to go to the cabin this weekend because it was supposed to rain. On saturday Hope, Bobby, Lee, and myself took Lily to Chuck E Cheese! We had so much fun!! I'll put pictures on here for that soon! Then we all headed over to the strawberry festival to have some shortcake (mine's better :) and listen to some music! Saturday nite we headed over to Jeffs for some margaritas and then back to Lee's to watch cloverfield..it was ok..kinda scary..but not bad :) On sunday morning we headed out wal-mart to get some fishing poles and go fishing!! We are such dorks..Lee actually got a blue pole and I got a pink one! We had a terrible time putting on the line and the bait..it was hilarious!! We also bought some crocs and waded out into the river in salem park ...did we catch anything? Um NO! but we did see a muskrat..i think?? Anyways..we got some sun and had some fun and couldnt stop laughing. I dont think Lee really got to fish that much because I either messed up my rod, got his rod stuck in a rock/tree or thought I saw a snake..which most of the time was a ripple in the water but I freak out over anything snake-ish :) He was a good sport about the whole thing though. I also cooked some amazing Mac -n-cheese from a recipe that I got from Giada! I love her! Ive been so addicted to the food network the past few months that I've been cooking everything I can! I love cooking..it relaxes me! I'm begging Lee to go to Savannah to take the Paula Deen tour...I think my mom is going to try to get us tickets...he'll be thrilled I'm sure. haha :)
We are hoping to go to Busch Gardens again this summer! We went for my birthday and then to VAbeach and had a blast! We ended up getting season passes to the busch gardens because it was the same price as a one day ticket! Now we can go back for the rest of the summer for free! Erin went this weekend with some of her friends so I think we're going to plan another trip with her and her husband and maybe Jen and Chase. Speaking of Jenny.... SHE'S ENGAGED!!! I am so happy for her...we are going to start planning the wedding for next summer! Jenny, Jodi, and I are going to go shopping for wedding dresses this weekend!! Im so happy for her!! She's definetly one friend who has stood by me through thick and thin..since we were just little girls! I love her with all my heart..she deserves the best!
We have a lot of fun things coming up in the near future.. our one year anniversary is in June and I have made some very special reservations that I cannot talk about because it's a suprise for Lee..so you will have to all wait and see! Im also really excited about Mother's day this weekend!! I cant wait to see the family and spend time with my mom and stepmom! Lee and his mom were going to come..but now Lee is going to a radiohead concert with his friend Chris in DC! I couldnt say no..its one of his favorite bands!! I've already started all the basic summer things..tanning..working out..and buying new bathing suits and clothes! anyway.. i think thats all for now!! Hope everyone has a great week!! :)
Life is going well right now...we've been so busy!! Lee has gotten two raises at work in the past few months so he's very happy about that. He has also enrolled in a motorcycle class so that he can get his license and buy a new motorcycle! THAT will be fun!! We've also been looking at new cars and are having a very hard time deciding on those! I'm leaving that decision up to Lee..this is his baby. Also..the new downtown apartment is amazing!! They are brand new and will be opening at the end of May!! Hardwood floors, granite countertops, and steel appliances!! beautiful high ceilings and plenty of room! :)
This past weekend I spent Friday nite with Hope! I hardly ever get to see even though we currently live together! We hung out and went shopping and rented some flicks and had dinner! Lee went to Jeff's house and had a bonfire! We decided not to go to the cabin this weekend because it was supposed to rain. On saturday Hope, Bobby, Lee, and myself took Lily to Chuck E Cheese! We had so much fun!! I'll put pictures on here for that soon! Then we all headed over to the strawberry festival to have some shortcake (mine's better :) and listen to some music! Saturday nite we headed over to Jeffs for some margaritas and then back to Lee's to watch cloverfield..it was ok..kinda scary..but not bad :) On sunday morning we headed out wal-mart to get some fishing poles and go fishing!! We are such dorks..Lee actually got a blue pole and I got a pink one! We had a terrible time putting on the line and the bait..it was hilarious!! We also bought some crocs and waded out into the river in salem park ...did we catch anything? Um NO! but we did see a muskrat..i think?? Anyways..we got some sun and had some fun and couldnt stop laughing. I dont think Lee really got to fish that much because I either messed up my rod, got his rod stuck in a rock/tree or thought I saw a snake..which most of the time was a ripple in the water but I freak out over anything snake-ish :) He was a good sport about the whole thing though. I also cooked some amazing Mac -n-cheese from a recipe that I got from Giada! I love her! Ive been so addicted to the food network the past few months that I've been cooking everything I can! I love cooking..it relaxes me! I'm begging Lee to go to Savannah to take the Paula Deen tour...I think my mom is going to try to get us tickets...he'll be thrilled I'm sure. haha :)
We are hoping to go to Busch Gardens again this summer! We went for my birthday and then to VAbeach and had a blast! We ended up getting season passes to the busch gardens because it was the same price as a one day ticket! Now we can go back for the rest of the summer for free! Erin went this weekend with some of her friends so I think we're going to plan another trip with her and her husband and maybe Jen and Chase. Speaking of Jenny.... SHE'S ENGAGED!!! I am so happy for her...we are going to start planning the wedding for next summer! Jenny, Jodi, and I are going to go shopping for wedding dresses this weekend!! Im so happy for her!! She's definetly one friend who has stood by me through thick and thin..since we were just little girls! I love her with all my heart..she deserves the best!
We have a lot of fun things coming up in the near future.. our one year anniversary is in June and I have made some very special reservations that I cannot talk about because it's a suprise for Lee..so you will have to all wait and see! Im also really excited about Mother's day this weekend!! I cant wait to see the family and spend time with my mom and stepmom! Lee and his mom were going to come..but now Lee is going to a radiohead concert with his friend Chris in DC! I couldnt say no..its one of his favorite bands!! I've already started all the basic summer things..tanning..working out..and buying new bathing suits and clothes! anyway.. i think thats all for now!! Hope everyone has a great week!! :)
The pictures above are the guys at foxfields..and lee and I at busch gardens! :)
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